Working to be more abstract.
Transition may represent several thinks: Dark to light, Winter to Spring, Sun to Moon, and Realism to Abstraction.
Acrylic on 14 x 11 canvas.
So many times I'm really in search of a name for my painting, but this time in the middle of working it suddenly came to me that it should be called Sunrise on a Cloudy Day. So I added the sun.
Acrylic and gold pen on 20 x 16 canvas.
Note the revision above. It needed an anchor to keep it from floating.
Playing on a rainy day. I had found a pair of wood panels 11 x 8 with carved filigree edges so I played indoors and created something reminiscent of my summer garden. I played with gold leaf, glitter, iridescent paint, and metallic gold pen. It was fun.