Monday, February 24, 2020

Lady Slipper, yellow

I was so lucky to find Lady Slippers growing wild on our New Hampshire property and have been in love with them since then.  The other day I went to  Bayview Garden Shop here on Whidbey and fell in love with them all over again.  They have a  beautiful array of Lady Slippers.

Lady Slipper , yellow
acrylic on 9 x 9 board.

Lady slippers or Cypripedium Orchids comes from a mix of Latin and Greek. It alludes to Cyprus, the island that was the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite (Venus) and "pedilum", a shoe or slipper (or feet), and so literally means Aphrodite's Slipper.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Seriously thinking about putting together a book of full moon names.
Think I have a painting that works for each month.

The Lunar Calendar

Wolf Moon, January

Snow Moon, February

Crow Moon, March

Pink Moon, April

Flower Moon, May

Strawberry Moon, June

Buck Moon, July (really like the buck in snow but a little cold for July. Option 2.

Blueberry Moon, August

Harvest Moon, September

 Hunters Moon, October

Beaver Moon, November

Cold Moon, December

Once in a Blue Moon,  Rare. 

 It's been a while but so glad to finish, "Ferry Lights"  an acrylic painting on 16 x 20 canvas.