Monday, June 11, 2018

New Work

Found a little Swallowtail lying in the garden the other day and tried to decide how I could incorporate it's beauty in a piece of art. The Iris is painted from a photo taken in a friends garden.  The butterfly wings are real.
Coated in gel medium to preserve them and carefully collaged onto the painting.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Girl with the Flaxen Hair

Working on a mixed media piece using a composition by Debussy.
From his Preludes,  La Fille aux cheveux de lin   
"Girl with the Flaxen Hair".
Mixed Media on 14 x 11 canvas
A wonderful performance may be found at:

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Courtyard at the Watcom

 Had a wonderful day visiting the Watcom Museum in Bellingham, WA . It seems there are 2 buildings, the historic City Hall and the much  newer Lightcatcher.  As we were leaving the sun coming through cast these great shadows caughing my eye.  I also was enamored with the fanciful bird sculpture sent in the center of the courtyard.

Courtyard at the Watcom
Acrylic on 14 x 11 canvas.

 It's been a while but so glad to finish, "Ferry Lights"  an acrylic painting on 16 x 20 canvas.